I've neglected this blog, because life has been so busy. Last month, our family was made official when Lucie's adoption was finalized! It is hard to believe that 6 months ago, we welcomed baby Lucie into the world and into our family. We cannot imagine life without her. She continues to be a sweet natured, easy going baby. She is so close to crawling, although she has discovered other ways to be mobile through scooting on her back or on her bottom.
She is close to laughing out loud. Right now she laughs with an inward breathy noise as her eyes dance and she bounces up and down. She is growing like crazy. At her 6 month old check-up her height was off the charts (thanks to her tall birthfather.) Maggie continues to delight in her role as big sister. Her prayers at meal time often say, "Thank you God for sending us Lucie." And that about sums it up. We are so grateful for Lucie.